semaine du 14/02

Par CHRISTEL LASCURETTES, publié le mardi 15 février 2022 08:28 - Mis à jour le jeudi 17 février 2022 11:08

mise en commun "Bloody sunday"


What ? Where ? When ? message ?role of the mural ? your opinipn ?

The Murals in Northern Ireland

The video is about the murals in Belfast, in Northern Ireland. The murals present two different periods : the Troubles and nowadays.

The murals were painted after “The Troubles” and some are painted nowadays.

The 1st Murals represent the history of the city and the “war” which took place in Belfast opposing two communities which are represented on the murals.

The 2nd murals represent freedom and peace.

 As art reflects a society some reminds the past . It is important for the new generations to remember the past. Others give the image of a new peaceful city.

In this case, it is not vandalism but it is art as it decorates the city and gives it an identity.


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